The Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Français is owned by the state. Founded in 1938, it operates the country’s national rail traic as well as Monaco’s, including the TGV, on the French high-speed rail network.

Its functions include the operation of rail services for passengers and freight, as well as the maintenance and signalling of rail infrastructure.

The challenge

The Paris-Lyon high-speed line represents 1/3 of French traffic. Even minor incidents on this line have consequences for thousands of passengers.

This pilot project consists of the creation of more than 50 new technical buildings to improve the regularity of traffic, increase traffic capacity and bring the oldest TGV line up to European standards.

The doors must secure the entrances to the buildings and interior rooms by meeting fire requirements while guaranteeing durability and minimum maintenance.

The Heinen solution

  • The supply of custom-made doors combining anti-burglary and fire resistance performances.
  • Validation of a specific installation method for site conditions.
  • Training and support for fitters.
  • Delivery of doors to more than 50 dierent sites.

Year of cooperation

2019 – 2021